enero 22, 2007

Meat is murder v 2.0

Continuando con el tema del veganismo, más razones para cambiar nuestra alimentación (obtenida de los PETAboards http://streetteam.peta2.com/public/folder_view.cfm?pageid=341&option=view_thread&postid=1905966&folderid=727):

*Está en inglés porque me da flojera traducir

Health Facts:
1. Lower rate of death from ischemic heart disease
2. Lower blood cholesterol levels
3. Lower rate of hypertension
4. Lower rate of type 2 diabetes
5. Lower rate of prostate cancer
6. Lower rate of colon cancer
7. Tend to be slimmer
8. 50% Less likely to have heart disease
9. 60% less likely to have cancer
10. 9 times less likely to be obese
11. Have stronger immune systems
12. Live, on average, 6-10 years longer than meat eaters
13. Grow taller [no estoy segura de esto] and have higher IQ
14. Consumption of meat linked to heart disease, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, asthma, and impotence

Other Issues
1. Growing animals for meat is one of the largest causes of global warming
2. Adopting a vegetarian diet is more effective for reducing greenhouse gas emissions that reducing the emissions from cars is
3. 840 million people go hungry each day, but if a majority of the world was vegetarian, no one would go hungry.
4. We could make 14 times as much food if we used land for growing soy rather than raising crops to murder and eat
5. A vegetarian needs less than 2/3 of an acre to survive, while a meat-eater needs 3 ½ acres to survive
6. Animals are abused

Environment Issues
1. 70% of the world’s grain goes to farmed animals (most of which just sustains it, doesn’t make it grow)
2. Half the water the USA consumes goes towards animals raised for food
3. 80% of the USA farmland goes towards animals raised for food
4. 1/3 of all nonrenewable raw resources in the USA goes towards raising animals for food
5. Farm animals make 130 times as much excrement as the entire US population (86,000 lbs per second)
6. In the past 50 years, fishers have destroyed 90% of the large fish population
7. 260 million acres of US forest has been destroyed to make room for farm animals
8. It takes 16 pounds of food to make just 1 pound of edible flesh

*On dealing with unsupportive family and friends: http://www.vegetarianteen.com/family.shtml
*PETA's Vegan grocery list: http://www.peta.org/accidentallyVegan/
*Vegan Fast Food options: http://www.vegcooking.com/VegFastFood.asp
*Vegan Chain Restaurant options: http://www.vegcooking.com/ChainRestaurants.asp
*The links below will answer every question you,your family and friends might ever have about being Veg:
http://www.petatv.com/tvpopup/Prefs.asp?video=chew_on_this http://www.milksucks.com/index2.asp http://goveg.com/healthConcerns.asp http://fishinghurts.com/ http://www.vegetarianstarterkit.com/order.asp http://www.mercyforanimals.org/vegan_starter_kit.asp http://www.ca4a.org/literature/vsk.html http://www.afa-online.org/starterpack.html http://www.vegkids.com/order.asp http://www.goveg.com/feat/chewonthis/order.asp http://www.vegfamily.com/lists/animal-ingredients.htm http://www.petatv.com/tvpopup/archive.asp http://www.peta.org/mc/factsheet_vegetarianism.asp http://ar.vegnews.org/ http://www.ivu.org/faq/index.html http://www.vegan-info.com/faq.html

Ahora, lo único que necesito es que vendan tempeh en México :(

Lista de restaurantes vegetarianos en el DF
Comedor Vegetariano
Articulo 123 No. 40-14, 2o. piso

Café Estambul con Comida Vegetariana
Agustín Melgar No. 6Condesa

El Vegetariano
Pedro Romero de Terreros No. 1064
Del Valle

Flor de Liz
Dr. Marcos Aurelio Macías
Filosofía y Letras No. 2, esq. Copilco

Srita. Elia Patiño Monroy
Puente de Peredo No. 12-D, entre López y Eje Central
Centro, C.P. 06070

Monte Cailas
Sra. Rosa Ma. Hidalgo Piñón
Filosofía y Letras No. 17

La Buena Tierra
Atlixco No. 94L-A

La Buena Tierra
Plaza Masarik Loc. 9-10

La Buena Tierra
Periférico Sur No. 4609
Parques del Pedregal

Las Fuentes
Sr. Antonio González
Río Pánuco No. 127, esq. Río Tiber
Del. Cuauhtémoc

Nirvana Buffet
Puebla No. 120

Restaurant Comida 100% Natural
Francisco Alvarez
Insurgentes Sur No. 1390, Int. 3
Del Valle, Del. Benito Juárez

Restaurant Vegetariano
Sr. Miguel Angel Culgo
Motolinía, entre Tacuba y 5 de Mayo
Centro, Del. Cuauhtémoc

Mamá Gaia
Puebla #361 casi esq. con Guadalajara

Moliere 50
Polanco 11560

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